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Весь контент Krautbomber

  1. Hey, I tried to figure out the russian text passages. I hope i have not forgotten anything. The german translation / localization is added to this message. You would give pleasure to me, if you could implement these translation. Greetings Locales.txt
  2. Hey Could you send me the loca-files? I would translate it into german ..
  3. Hey I paid for this addon, but today it displayed me the message for a new update / that it's outdated. I tried to download a newer version und replaced the older. But it doesn't work ...
  4. Hey, I would be happy to see a german localization next time. To my regret - there is no locales-file. But i hope, these list could help a bit: The locales.txt in the attachments contains the translations for these eight texts. locales.txt
  5. Hey, I attached the locales-file with german translation. Thanks Locales.txt
  6. We have at the moment Gameversion In mods.txt there are only a few lines of errors: Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: Target3DMenu.lua:73: attempt to index global `GLOBALText' (a nil value) Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: func: MenuSTART, global, line: 73, defined: Lua, line: 63, Target3DMenu.lua Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: func: ?, ?, line: 175, defined: Lua, line: 171, Target3DMenu.lua Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: Error while running the chunk Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: Target3DInspect.lua:792: attempt to call field `IsOnPayToPlayShard' (a nil value) Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: func: IsOnPayToPlayShard, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: func: sysEventHandler2, global, line: 792, defined: Lua, line: 774, Target3DInspect.lua Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: func: Init_4, local, line: 734, defined: Lua, line: 729, Target3DInspect.lua Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: func: ?, ?, line: 804, defined: main, line: 0, Target3DInspect.lua Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: Can't execute script for addon: Mods/Addons/NewTarget3DPvP/AddonDesc.(UIAddon).xdb
  7. Hey, First i need to thank you for these great addon - but - at the moment something seems broken for me. Look at the screenshot ... Everything works fine, except the settings-menu. It's empty. Do you have any idea, what could be the problem? Im playing on german- / eu-server. If there's a problem with the localization, send me the texts / locales via pm and i translate them. Thanks
  8. Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: Error while running the chunk Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: Target3DMenu.lua:73: attempt to index global `GLOBALText' (a nil value) Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: func: MenuSTART, global, line: 73, defined: Lua, line: 63, Target3DMenu.lua Error: addon NewTarget3DPvP: func: ?, ?, line: 175, defined: Lua, line: 171, Target3DMenu.lua
  9. Hey, Unfortunately i do not speak Russian - but i hope you understand me anyway. My idea is the following: Is it possible to set different sets of gear or relics with an addon? Like http://allods.curseforge.com/addons/autounequiptrinket/ ... I would appreciate an addon, that autoequips some defaults of relics or gear i use on different builds. It is so annoying to unequip and equip all these relics after changing my current build. This would be a nice additional feature for the buildmanager. thanks
  10. Hey, Is this Addon written for V 4.0.01/02 only? I tried to figure out the LUA-functions in FastTravel and it should work with our EU-Version (4.0.00.xx). But it writes only some Error-Messages in the mods.txt Error: addon FastTravel: func: CanNavigateToPoint, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon FastTravel: func: ?, ?, line: 178, defined: Lua, line: 170, [string "Mods/Addons/FastTravel/Scripts/FastTravel.lua"] Error: addon FastTravel: Game::LuaMapCanNavigateToPoint: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaMapCanNavigateToPoint(struct lua_State *) Error: addon FastTravel: Error while running the chunk Error: addon FastTravel: [string "Mods/Addons/FastTravel/Scripts/FastTravel.lua"]:179: attempt to call field `NavigateToObject' (a nil value) Error: addon FastTravel: func: NavigateToObject, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon FastTravel: func: ?, ?, line: 179, defined: Lua, line: 170, [string "Mods/Addons/FastTravel/Scripts/FastTravel.lua"] Error: addon FastTravel: Game::LuaMapGetZonesMapId: cannot get zones map by sysName ShipParkingLeague, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaMapGetZonesMapId(struct lua_State *) Error: addon FastTravel: Error: addon FastTravel: Error: addon FastTravel: func: CanNavigateToPoint, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon FastTravel: func: ?, ?, line: 178, defined: Lua, line: 170, [string "Mods/Addons/FastTravel/Scripts/FastTravel.lua"] Error: addon FastTravel: Game::LuaMapCanNavigateToPoint: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaMapCanNavigateToPoint(struct lua_State *) Error: addon FastTravel: Game::LuaMapGetZonesMapId: cannot get zones map by sysName ShipParkingLeague, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaMapGetZonesMapId(struct lua_State *) Error: addon FastTravel: Error: addon FastTravel: Error: addon FastTravel: func: CanNavigateToPoint, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon FastTravel: func: ?, ?, line: 178, defined: Lua, line: 170, [string "Mods/Addons/FastTravel/Scripts/FastTravel.lua"] Error: addon FastTravel: Game::LuaMapCanNavigateToPoint: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaMapCanNavigateToPoint(struct lua_State *) Error: addon FastTravel: Game::LuaMapGetZonesMapId: cannot get zones map by sysName ShipParkingLeague, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaMapGetZonesMapId(struct lua_State *) Error: addon FastTravel: Error: addon FastTravel: Error: addon FastTravel: func: CanNavigateToPoint, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon FastTravel: func: ?, ?, line: 178, defined: Lua, line: 170, [string "Mods/Addons/FastTravel/Scripts/FastTravel.lua"] Error: addon FastTravel: Game::LuaMapCanNavigateToPoint: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaMapCanNavigateToPoint(struct lua_State *) Hope you could help me
  11. Is it possible to localize Fullhdpsmeter for German- or EU-Servers? Sorry, im not familiar with LUA - especially decompliling *.luac* - so i found only the locales.lua und tried to translate it. [ "ON" ] = "An", [ "OFF" ] = "Aus", [ "LEFT" ] = "Links", [ "RIGHT" ] = "Rechts", [ "CENTER" ] = "Mitte", [ "ACTIVITY" ] = "Funktion", [ "Hits Counter" ] = "Treffer total", [ "Dodges" ] = "Ausgewichen", [ "Misses" ] = "Verfehlen", [ "CRITICAL hits" ] = "Kritische Treffer", [ "glancing hits" ] = "Normale Treffer", [ "Kills" ] = "Tode", [ "Amount" ] = "Wert", [ "Blocked by the shield" ] = "Durch Schild geblockt", [ "Parry" ] = "Geblockt, pariert", [ "Barriers absorb" ] = "Barrieren absorb.", [ "Resists absorb" ] = "Widerstände absorb.", [ "Multipliers absorb" ] = "Multiplikatoren absorb.", [ "Runes bsorb" ] = "Runen absorb.", [ "Buffs absorb" ] = "Buffs absorb.", [ "Fights" ] = "Kämpfe", [ "World Activity" ] = "Alle Aktionen", [ "Fight Detals" ] = "Kampfdetails", [ "TOTAL" ] = "Gesamt", [ "Average Damage" ] = "Durchschnittlicher Schaden", [ " Left click - see details, right click - close window" ] = " Linksklick - Details anzeigen, Rechtsklick - Fenster schließen", [ " Left click - see details" ] = " Linksklick - Details anzeigen", [ " Right click - close window" ] = " Rechtsklick - Fenster schließen", [ ". Right click - take in target" ] = ". Rechtsklick - Zielauswahl", If i could help to localize this Addon for the german Community, pm me
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