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Весь контент Dragagon

  1. Dragagon


    Pulltimer Просмотр файла A small start of a big raid project. Focussing on what works well in WOW and bringing it over to Allods. The best of both worlds Pulltimer is an addon that triggers a countdown timer, similar to the ones from 3x3 and 6x6 arena, in the middle of your screen upon a given command "pullgo" in /raid chat. Only raidleader can start the timer for now, expansions on this will follow. More plans to bring are Indicators when players are already expecting a ress in raids. The ability to change the start of the timer. Anything QoL for raiding and group play, really. I want to give a shoutout to @pasidaips, @Eksperymentand @neko Добавил Dragagon Добавлено 08.02.2023 Категория Аддоны  
  2. I believe this is it? [12:02:53] Info: addon ExoTest(0): moduleSlot = 2 [12:02:53] Info: addon ExoTest(0): GetExoTalents > name = Union Module [12:02:53] Info: addon ExoTest(0): GetExoTalents > name = Tremor Module [12:02:53] Info: addon ExoTest(0): GetExoTalents > name = Guarda Module [12:02:53] Info: addon ExoTest(0): GetExoTalents > name = Bipolar Module [12:02:53] Info: addon ExoTest(0): GetExoTalents > name = Reactive Module [12:02:53] Info: addon ExoTest(0): GetExoTalents > name = Leap Module [12:02:53] Info: addon ExoTest(0): GetExoTalents > name = Libera Module [12:02:53] Info: addon ExoTest(0): GetExoTalents > name = Bastion Module [12:02:53] Info: addon ExoTest(0): GetExoTalents > name = Devourer Module [12:02:53] Info: addon ExoTest(0): GetSelectedModule > name = Guarda Module [12:02:53] Info: addon ExoTest(0): GetModuleAction > key = 1, name = Guarda Module, sysType = ENUM_CONTEXT_ACTION_TYPE_SPELL, priority = 100 [12:02:53] Info: addon ExoTest(0): GetModuleAction > key = 2, name = Emergency Repair, sysType = ENUM_CONTEXT_ACTION_TYPE_SPELL, priority = 202
  3. Dragagon


    Версия 1.0.0

    63 раза скачали

    A small start of a big raid project. Focussing on what works well in WOW and bringing it over to Allods. The best of both worlds Pulltimer is an addon that triggers a countdown timer, similar to the ones from 3x3 and 6x6 arena, in the middle of your screen upon a given command "pullgo" in /raid chat. Only raidleader can start the timer for now, expansions on this will follow. More plans to bring are Indicators when players are already expecting a ress in raids. The ability to change the start of the timer. Anything QoL for raiding and group play, really. I want to give a shoutout to @pasidaips, @Eksperymentand @neko
  4. Something I'd really miss from whispers is making it go into seperate chat tabs for each person you whisper with, that'd make it perfect
  5. I see recent updates but still nothing works for EU client. I see a locales file but it seems to not work?
  6. I found the custom locales but it seems to not work. All I see is gibberish
  7. The addon is "working" in the game but it's not working. It doesn't autolist my items when ctrl+left clicking. It doesn't open the database either. I also tried installing the new version by Worm updated 20h ago, still does nothing.
  8. Doesn't work Unless, please don't tell me to delete configs and make the database all over again
  9. I am aware, but how is it supposed to work for me if your file has your binding? My binding ingame and on the website are the same. Isn't a key added to the addon when downloaded to verify the owner is a paying user?
  10. 30 mails with 3d left on items. 30*8 = 240 items. I cannot make 240 items with custom prices until 14.0. What is going on. Why is the add-on not working. What is the thing with API so different to 14.0? Making me understand it will ease my frustration. Right now is just ridiculous.
  11. I actually get this error from you but as you see in previous answers, I tried all the way to 1.06
  12. I tried going all the way to 1.06 and still don't work, that's why I don't understand it. Idk why it was changed for 14.0 and no longer works for anyone from EU. I've got 145 mails to list with items I doubt the paying version would work either, right? Considering RU got 14.0 on 1st of december, any version from before that date should work? But it doesn't so I am very confused.
  13. So it just breaks until EU gets 14.0? that just sounds ridiculous?
  14. Downloading prev versions all the way to 1.06 doesn't resolve the problem either
  15. The icon shows but clicking it makes nothing happen. Is this a f2p only addon? Is it showing which shells have already been broken down?
  16. Reinstalling the add-on cause timer expired. Still shows as expired. What am I doing wrong? I reinstalled it before and worked But not anymore now.
  17. This is what AutoQuest does, with a visual color on quests to show which can be autocompleted, which is what an addon already does for u?
  18. Could you specify the difference between Spells, Abilities and Skills?
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