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Весь контент Dragagon

  1. As of 14.1 in EU, we can no longer see previous or previous previous
  2. [19:18:14] Error: addon PowerAurasExt(0): Widgets::LuaSetVal: param 3 (type: nil) not meet the given condition: state. IsString( 3 ) || state. IsWString( 3 ) || GameBase::ValuedObjectLua::IsSameType( state, 3 ) || GameBase::ValuedTextLua::IsSameType( state, 3 ), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaSetVal(struct lua_State *) func: SetVal, method, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: UpdateLocalization, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: CallWhenCharacterAvailable, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "125627"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "125627"] func: ?, ?, line: 1, defined: main, line: 0, /Mods/Addons/PowerAurasExt/mainscript.luac [19:18:14]Error: addon PowerAurasExt(0): Widgets::LuaSetVal: param 3 (type: nil) not meet the given condition: state. IsString( 3 ) || state. IsWString( 3 ) || GameBase::ValuedObjectLua::IsSameType( state, 3 ) || GameBase::ValuedTextLua::IsSameType( state, 3 ), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaSetVal(struct lua_State *) func: SetVal, method, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: UpdateLocalization, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: CallWhenCharacterAvailable, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "125627"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "125627"] func: ?, ?, line: 1, defined: main, line: 0, /Mods/Addons/PowerAurasExt/mainscript.luac [19:18:14]Error: addon PowerAurasExt(0): Widgets::LuaSetVal: param 3 (type: nil) not meet the given condition: state. IsString( 3 ) || state. IsWString( 3 ) || GameBase::ValuedObjectLua::IsSameType( state, 3 ) || GameBase::ValuedTextLua::IsSameType( state, 3 ), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaSetVal(struct lua_State *) func: SetVal, method, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: UpdateLocalization, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: CallWhenCharacterAvailable, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "125627"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "125627"] func: ?, ?, line: 1, defined: main, line: 0, /Mods/Addons/PowerAurasExt/mainscript.luac [19:18:14]Error: addon PowerAurasExt(0): Widgets::LuaSetVal: param 3 (type: nil) not meet the given condition: state. IsString( 3 ) || state. IsWString( 3 ) || GameBase::ValuedObjectLua::IsSameType( state, 3 ) || GameBase::ValuedTextLua::IsSameType( state, 3 ), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaSetVal(struct lua_State *) func: SetVal, method, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: UpdateLocalization, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: CallWhenCharacterAvailable, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "125627"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "125627"] func: ?, ?, line: 1, defined: main, line: 0, /Mods/Addons/PowerAurasExt/mainscript.luac [19:18:14] Error: addon PowerAurasExt(0): Widgets::LuaSetVal: param 3 (type: nil) not meet the given condition: state. IsString( 3 ) || state. IsWString( 3 ) || GameBase::ValuedObjectLua::IsSameType( state, 3 ) || GameBase::ValuedTextLua::IsSameType( state, 3 ), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaSetVal(struct lua_State *) func: SetVal, method, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: UpdateLocalization, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: CallWhenCharacterAvailable, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "125627"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "125627"] func: ?, ?, line: 1, defined: main, line: 0, /Mods/Addons/PowerAurasExt/mainscript.luac [19:18:14]Error: addon PowerAurasExt(0): Widgets::LuaSetVal: param 3 (type: nil) not meet the given condition: state. IsString( 3 ) || state. IsWString( 3 ) || GameBase::ValuedObjectLua::IsSameType( state, 3 ) || GameBase::ValuedTextLua::IsSameType( state, 3 ), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaSetVal(struct lua_State *) func: SetVal, method, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: UpdateLocalization, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: CallWhenCharacterAvailable, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "..."] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "125627"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "125627"] func: ?, ?, line: 1, defined: main, line: 0, /Mods/Addons/PowerAurasExt/mainscript.luac
  3. Hey Slash, thanks again for taking a look. I have tried what you described but it does not work for me. THe event seems to only run whenever an item is changed. I already get to open the wardrobe, equip the item and close it without using that event. THe only bug I have so far is that it doesn't equip the item the first time the player goes to Irene in his playing session. All other times following up to that until a relog works fine. It runs code that the wardrobe is open, it also closes the wardrobe, it also find the ID of the item. It simply does not checkroomLib.EquipItem(id). I tried with your if statement wether to see if wardrobe is open or not but that seems to return false even if the wardrobe is opened, so it never equips or closes my wardrobe then. I believe the 1st time it opens the wardrobe for the player, it takes too long to load in all costumes and their id's, that the code is skipped. Hence I put a delay on closing wardrobe which made it work. Cause if I did it without a delay, it would not close. So just by adding a small delay, it works. I will just work with a small delay before equipping the item when opening the wardrobe and I suppose that will fix it for both cases.
  4. Hey Slash, thanks for the reply. I took a good read at the API's and a few things have me in question. When I close the wardrobe, why does it expect EVENT_CHECKROOM_CHANGED? I believe it cannot change costumes while the wardrobe is closed? And in the code, I only equip pieces after opening the wardrobe. The wardrobe is closed with a delay because the close function would not execute right after equipping an Id. OpenWardrobe() if checkroomLib.IsOpened() then checkroomLib.EquipItem( freeBirdMaskId ) --Requipping the Freebirdmask headwear. end --ChatLog("equipped FreeBird mask") common.RegisterEventHandler(CloseWardrobeCustom,"EVENT_SECOND_TIMER") --Starts delay before closing the wardrobe. function CloseWardrobeCustom() --ChatLog("entering event second timer func & timerCount is: ",timerCount) if timerCount == 1 then --ChatLog("timerCount reached condition") CloseWardrobe() common.UnRegisterEventHandler(CloseWardrobeCustom,"EVENT_SECOND_TIMER") timerCount = 0 return end timerCount = timerCount + 1 end
  5. Function only runs when parameter has already gotten a value assigned, I wouldn't know how it would ever get a nil. Chatlogs show before running the code everytime that it has a value. ChatLog("Is Freebird mask nil?", freeBirdMaskId) checkroomLib.EquipItem( freeBirdMaskId ) But the error persists.
  6. Question about an error I get often. Following example is: [15:53:42]Error: addon AutoIreneMasks(0): Game::LuaCheckroomEquipItem: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCheckroomEquipItem(struct lua_State *) func: EquipItem, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/AutoIreneMasks/Script.luac"] But there are no guidelines on what line it is, so how do u start debugging this? param 1 is not a class, a class of what? What can I do about it that it is not a class? I believe it has a parameter in my code: checkroomLib.EquipItem( WanderingActorMaskId ) and the API reference doesn't say anything specific about parameters. So what can I do about this error?
  7. Dragagon


    AutoIreneMasks Просмотр файла Are you an Irene addict, Ecu grinder or just scenery enjoyer of Irene? Then this addon is a must have! Automatically equips the Freebird Mask when entering Irene, and switches back to the previous headwear before entering Irene. Also Equips the Wandering Actor mask when entering the Miracle Theatre, and back to the Freebird when leaving the Theatre! Добавил Dragagon Добавлено 10.07.2023 Категория Аддоны  
  8. Dragagon


    Версия 1.0.1

    285 раз скачали

    Are you an Irene addict, Ecu grinder or just scenery enjoyer of Irene? Then this addon is a must have! Automatically equips the Freebird Mask when entering Irene, and switches back to the previous headwear before entering Irene. Also Equips the Wandering Actor mask when entering the Miracle Theatre, and back to the Freebird when leaving the Theatre!
  9. Dragagon

    3x3 Notifier

    3x3 Notifier Просмотр файла Hey Sarnautions! Are you also tired of having people trade 3x3 ratings and getting seasonal costumes just by trading and not doing any effort in PvP? Me too! So I made this addon which will notify you whenever the 3x3 timer activates! The PvP hungry among us will now always have some players to hunt down >:D Enjoy PvP'ing! Localization file is present, let me know if something doesn't work. Добавил Dragagon Добавлено 21.06.2023 Категория Аддоны  
  10. Dragagon


    RessCounter Просмотр файла The RessCounter! As the name implies, it keeps track of the amount of times you ress people in a raid! Funny story how it came to be! Are you also tired of ressing everyone after every wipe during Nihaz raids or Obs raids? Fear no longer! I started a minigame with my guild >:D each ress I do, and therefor the addon tracks, people pay 1k gold to our guild bank. That way we generate some guild gold for the Heraldry (or whatever else u want) in a fun way, rather than the dull tax collection system. Commands: /rclist RessCounterList - lists the amount of times you have ressed player XYZ. /rcreset RessCounterReset - resets the data (starting a new raid or whatever) It does not count during combat. Go and hunt your dead members! Locales: Not all translations for the Gift of Tensess were added. Feel free to add them in the locales file and notify me so I can update it with more languages included Добавил Dragagon Добавлено 20.06.2023 Категория Аддоны  
  11. Dragagon

    3x3 Notifier

    Версия 1.0.0

    101 раз скачали

    Hey Sarnautions! Are you also tired of having people trade 3x3 ratings and getting seasonal costumes just by trading and not doing any effort in PvP? Me too! So I made this addon which will notify you whenever the 3x3 timer activates! The PvP hungry among us will now always have some players to hunt down >:D Enjoy PvP'ing! Localization file is present, let me know if something doesn't work.
  12. [14:39:09] Error: addon SecularActivity(1610432897): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 493, defined: Lua, line: 491, [string "Mods/Addons/SecularActivity/scripts/MyTest.lua"] [14:39:09] Error: addon SecularActivity(1610432897): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 495, defined: Lua, line: 491, [string "Mods/Addons/SecularActivity/scripts/MyTest.lua"] [14:39:09] Error: addon SecularActivity(1610432897): UI::LuaCommonRegisterReactionHandler: fail register LuaReaction handler, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonRegisterReactionHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterReactionHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 496, defined: Lua, line: 491, [string "Mods/Addons/SecularActivity/scripts/MyTest.lua"] [14:44:19] Error: addon SecularActivity(1610432897): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 493, defined: Lua, line: 491, [string "Mods/Addons/SecularActivity/scripts/MyTest.lua"] [14:44:19] Error: addon SecularActivity(1610432897): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 495, defined: Lua, line: 491, [string "Mods/Addons/SecularActivity/scripts/MyTest.lua"] [14:44:19] Error: addon SecularActivity(1610432897): UI::LuaCommonRegisterReactionHandler: fail register LuaReaction handler, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonRegisterReactionHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterReactionHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 496, defined: Lua, line: 491, [string "Mods/Addons/SecularActivity/scripts/MyTest.lua"]
  13. Dragagon


    Версия 1.0.1

    49 раз скачали

    The RessCounter! As the name implies, it keeps track of the amount of times you ress people in a raid! Funny story how it came to be! Are you also tired of ressing everyone after every wipe during Nihaz raids or Obs raids? Fear no longer! I started a minigame with my guild >:D each ress I do, and therefor the addon tracks, people pay 1k gold to our guild bank. That way we generate some guild gold for the Heraldry (or whatever else u want) in a fun way, rather than the dull tax collection system. Commands: /rclist RessCounterList - lists the amount of times you have ressed player XYZ. /rcreset RessCounterReset - resets the data (starting a new raid or whatever) It does not count during combat. Go and hunt your dead members! Locales: Not all translations for the Gift of Tensess were added. Feel free to add them in the locales file and notify me so I can update it with more languages included
  14. Whenever I talk to any NPC: [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"]:154: attempt to call global 'ChatLog' (a nil value) func: ChatLog, global, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 154, defined: Lua, line: 152, [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 154, defined: Lua, line: 152, [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: ChatLog Error while running the chunk [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"]:154: attempt to call global 'ChatLog' (a nil value) func: ChatLog, global, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 154, defined: Lua, line: 152, [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"] Error while running the chunk [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"]:233: attempt to call field 'GetSkipQuestCost' (a nil value) func: GetSkipQuestCost, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 233, defined: Lua, line: 214, [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 154, defined: Lua, line: 152, [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: ChatLog Error while running the chunk [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"]:154: attempt to call global 'ChatLog' (a nil value) func: ChatLog, global, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 154, defined: Lua, line: 152, [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 154, defined: Lua, line: 152, [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: ChatLog Error while running the chunk [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"]:154: attempt to call global 'ChatLog' (a nil value) func: ChatLog, global, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 154, defined: Lua, line: 152, [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"]
  15. Locales does not have the ability to translate the button text Locales.lua
  16. My ChatLog(name) is logging it twice per execution, is it something the event does? If it is, why does it do it twice? I am also getting a lot of Fail (un)register event messages in my mods.txt, I don't see what I am doing different from past addons I made. Any help or explainations would be appreciated. function Main() raidMembersTable = userMods.GetGlobalConfigSection("RessCounter_settings") --ChatLog(userMods.GetGlobalConfigSection("RessCounter_settings")) --common. RegisterEventHandler(RessRequest, "EVENT_RESURRECT_REQUESTED") --https://alloder.pro/md/LuaApi/EventResurrectRequested.html -- resurrecterName: WString is the name of the unit trying to revive the player. -- unitId: ObjectId (not nil) - The ID of the unit trying to revive the player. -- timeOutMs: number (integer) - how many milliseconds this prompt is valid --common. RegisterEventHandler(ResurrectReply, "EVENT_RESURRECT_REQUESTED") --https://alloder.pro/md/LuaApi/FunctionAvatarResurrectReply.html common. RegisterEventHandler(StartAction, "EVENT_ACTION_PROGRESS_START") --https://alloder.pro/md/LuaApi/EventActionProgressStart.html common. RegisterEventHandler(OnChat, "EVENT_UNKNOWN_SLASH_COMMAND") end function StartAction(params) --common. UnRegisterEvent("EVENT_ACTION_PROGRESS_START") name = userMods.FromWString(params.name) ChatLog(name) local targetTrue = avatar. GetTarget() if targetTrue then target = userMods.FromWString(object. GetName(avatar. GetTarget())) --Get target when start casting the ress. end --ChatLog("\nEvent_action_progress_start parameters \nSpell: ".. name.." \nspellID: ".. tostring(spellId).." \nprogress: ".. progress.." \nDuration: ".. duration.." \nlaunchwhenready state: ".. tostring(launchWhenReady).." \nisPrecast: ".. tostring(isPrecast).. --"\nisChannel: ".. tostring(isChannel)) --ChatLog(target) if name == "Gift of Tensess" then common. RegisterEventHandler(Interrupt, "EVENT_PROCESS_TERMINATED") -- https://alloder.pro/md/LuaApi/EventActionProcessTerminated.html --common. RegisterEventHandler(FinishAction, "EVENT_ACTION_PROGRESS_FINISH") --https://alloder.pro/md/LuaApi/EventActionProgressFinish.html --name = "" end end mods.txt
  17. Didn't know about the scroll of return. Sadly, it does not work anymore for EU and they won't fix it anymore.
  18. Download prev versions, new releases don't work for EU since 14.1 api change
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