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Весь контент lysonia

  1. Why make a config for enemy and mobs different while thing are similar?
  2. lysonia


    Hi, it's possible to add the expansion of the interface in the config file? (for example currently 20px to 25px height)
  3. Hi, in french server (4.0.04), I have this error in Mod.txt Error: addon CastbarMod: Error: addon CastbarMod: Error: addon CastbarMod: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon CastbarMod: func: OnAvatar, global, line: 200, defined: Lua, line: 196, ScriptCastbar.lua Error: addon CastbarMod: func: OnAvatarCreated, global, line: 349, defined: Lua, line: 325, ScriptCastbar.lua Error: addon CastbarMod: Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: spellLib Error: addon CastbarMod: Error while running the chunk Error: addon CastbarMod: ScriptCastbar.lua:200: attempt to index global `spellLib' (a nil value) Error: addon CastbarMod: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon CastbarMod: func: OnAvatar, global, line: 200, defined: Lua, line: 196, ScriptCastbar.lua Error: addon CastbarMod: func: OnAvatarCreated, global, line: 349, defined: Lua, line: 325, ScriptCastbar.lua Error: addon CastbarMod: Error: addon CastbarMod: Error: addon CastbarMod: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon CastbarMod: func: OnItemAdd, global, line: 240, defined: Lua, line: 234, ScriptCastbar.lua Error: addon CastbarMod: Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: spellLib Error: addon CastbarMod: Error while running the chunk Error: addon CastbarMod: ScriptCastbar.lua:240: attempt to index global `spellLib' (a nil value) Error: addon CastbarMod: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon CastbarMod: func: OnItemAdd, global, line: 240, defined: Lua, line: 234, ScriptCastbar.lua
  4. For french localisation: ["Aptitudes d'invocation"] = true, -- Summoning Abilities (Dominion) It's ["Renforts"] = true, -- Summoning Abilities (Dominion) Since the last update
  5. In european version (and US?), you have daily quest for win martyr's benediction (24h) and little bag of food. It's possible to add the pnj location? For Empire: Info: addon Cartographer: You: { Type = "", Pos = { posX = 10768.761, posY = 12164.169, posZ = -11.998 } }, -- 24.95:24.34 ZoneEmpire2_South -- Allods_140104_142643.jpg Info: addon Cartographer: You: { Type = "", Pos = { posX = 11553.381, posY = 13504.243, posZ = -7.496 } }, -- 53.19:49.55 ZoneEmpire2_North -- Allods_140104_142749.jpg Info: addon Cartographer: You: { Type = "", Pos = { posX = 11002.712, posY = 13124.652, posZ = -0.004 } }, -- 38.90:30.21 ZoneEmpire1 -- Allods_140104_142833.jpg Info: addon Cartographer: You: { Type = "", Pos = { posX = 11656.856, posY = 12267.956, posZ = -0.013 } }, -- 67.34:79.11 ZoneEmpire1 -- Allods_140104_142928.jpg Info: addon Cartographer: INTERACTOR: { Type = "", Pos = { posX = 12101.999, posY = 11893.470, posZ = 5.645 } }, -- 78.71:38.16 "Larisa Nevolina" @ ZoneEmpire2_South -- Allods_140104_143055.jpg For league, I don't know my character have quest for unlock bug because it's old character :x
  6. In French version, it's display this. The french localisation don't work :/
  7. Hi, I have this error in mod.txt (french version 4.0.04) Error: addon AlchAma: Error: addon AlchAma: Error: addon AlchAma: func: GetQuestObjectiveInfo, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon AlchAma: func: OnQuestsChangedAA, global, line: 46, defined: Lua, line: 33, AlchAma.lua Error: addon AlchAma: func: AlchAmmaInit, global, line: 137, defined: Lua, line: 126, AlchAma.lua Error: addon AlchAma: func: Init, global, line: 150, defined: Lua, line: 148, AlchAma.lua Error: addon AlchAma: func: ?, ?, line: 154, defined: main, line: 0, AlchAma.lua Error: addon AlchAma: Game::LuaAvatarGetQuestObjectiveInfo: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: table), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAvatarGetQuestObjectiveInfo(struct lua_State *) Error: addon AlchAma: Error while running the chunk Error: addon AlchAma: AlchAma.lua:49: attempt to index local `objective' (a nil value) Error: addon AlchAma: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon AlchAma: func: OnQuestsChangedAA, global, line: 49, defined: Lua, line: 33, AlchAma.lua Error: addon AlchAma: func: AlchAmmaInit, global, line: 137, defined: Lua, line: 126, AlchAma.lua Error: addon AlchAma: func: Init, global, line: 150, defined: Lua, line: 148, AlchAma.lua Error: addon AlchAma: func: ?, ?, line: 154, defined: main, line: 0, AlchAma.lua Error: addon AlchAma: Can't execute script for addon: Mods/Addons/AlchAma/AddonDesc.(UIAddon).xdb The french localisation doesn't load it's Russian Localisation in game Update localisation: fra = { [ "START" ] = "Départ", [ "ZOMBI" ] = "Morts-vivants", [ "DEMONS" ] = "Démons", [ "MAGIC" ] = "Elémentaires", [ "ANIMALS" ] = "Créatures", [ "AmalgamSolution" ] = "Solution", },
  8. ---------------------------------------------- --FRENCH LOCALIZATION ---------------------------------------------- [ "fra" ] = { --Buffs on your enemies (characters) [ "PVP" ] = { ["Ballade"] = true, -- Ballade (Bard) ["A cheval"] = true, -- Mounted ["Renversement"] = true, -- Knock Down ["Terreur intense"] = true, -- Intense Fear ["Étourdissement"] = true, -- Stunned ["Aveuglement"] = true, -- Blind ["Silence"] = true, -- Silence ["Bouclier sacré"] = true, -- Holy Shield (Priest) ["Simple mortel"] = true, -- Exhausted Immortality (Necromancer) ["Mort déjouée"] = true, -- Delayed Death (Bard and Warrior) ["Foi aveugle"] = true, -- Blind (Priest) ["Épée brillante"] = true, -- Blind (Paladin) ["Crie terrifiant"] = true, -- Terrifying Shout (AOE fear of Warrior) ["Reflets"] = true, -- Reflections (Mage) ["Ferveur"] = true, -- Fervor (Bard) ["Conflagration"] = true, -- Conflagrate (Mage) ["Aptitudes d'invocation"] = true, -- Summoning Abilities (Dominion) ["Autodafé"] = true, -- Autodafe (Paladin) ["Armure cabossée"] = true, -- Dented Armor ["Pied à terre"] = true, -- Dismounted ["Sweetie"] = true, -- Sweetie (Cat mount) ["Tranquil Arrow"] = true, -- Tranquil Arrow (Stalker) ["Faiblesse"] = true, -- Debilitating Plague (Necromancer) ["Courage renouvelé"] = true, -- Renewed Courage (Paladin) ["Labyrinthe nocif"] = true, -- Noxious Labyrinth (Idalene) ["Artilleur"] = true, -- Gunner (Deserted Farm) }, --Buffs on your party/raid [ "PVE" ] = { ["Ferveur"] = true, -- Fervor (Bard) ["A cheval"] = true, -- Mounted ["Synchronization"] = true, -- Tep Pyramid - Boss 1 ["Overheating"] = true, -- Tep Pyramid - Boss 2 ["Blade Hurricane"] = true, -- Tep Pyramid - Boss 2 ["Electrization"] = true, -- Tep Pyramid - Boss 3 ["Residual Charge"] = true, -- Tep Pyramid - Boss 3 ["Energy Clump"] = true, -- Tep Pyramid - Boss 3 ["Unstable Bomb"] = true, -- Stronghold (Last Boss) ["Strangulation"] = true, -- Dead City (Earth Shatterer) ["Fatal Curse"] = true, -- Dead City (Earth Shatterer) ["Astral Pandemic"] = true, -- Dead City (Nav) ["Inflammation"] = true, -- Dead City (Thunderhead) ["Taunted"] = true, -- Dead City (Great Dragon) ["Tongues of Flame"] = true, -- Dead City (Great Dragon) ["Call of the Dead"] = true, -- Dead City (Lickflame Tinderbox) ["Curse of Weakness"] = true, -- Dead City (Nihaz) ["Blessing of the Force"] = true, -- Dead City (Nihaz) ["Aura of Fire"] = true, -- Dead City (Nihaz) ["Shield"] = true, -- Dead City (Nihaz) ["Purify"] = true, -- Dead City (Nihaz) }, --Buffs on your enemies (mobs) [ "MOB" ] = { ["Tombeau de glace"] = true, -- Icy Grave (Mage) ["Hypnose"] = true, -- Hypnosis (Psionic) ["Autodafé"] = true, -- Autodafe (Paladin) ["Faiblesse"] = true, -- Debilitating Plague (Necromancer) ["Somnolent"] = true, -- Lulled (Bard) ["Potion de léthargie"] = true, -- Potion of Deathly Pall (Druid) ["Renversement"] = true, -- Knock Down ["Peur"] = true, -- Fear ["Étourdissement"] = true, -- Stunned ["Aveuglement"] = true, -- Blind ["Silence"] = true, -- Silence ["Foi aveugle"] = true, -- Blind (Priest) ["Crie terrifiant"] = true, -- Terrifying Shout (AOE fear of Warrior) ["Sweetie"] = true, -- Sweetie (Cat mount) ["Tranquil Arrow"] = true, -- Tranquil Arrow (Stalker) ["Stabilité psychique"] = true, -- Psychic Stability (Psionic) }, --Some texts used by addon [ "ShowMark" ] = "Afficher une cible sur la personne sélectionné", [ "ShowArrow" ] = "Afficher la direction et la distance de la cible", [ "ShowGear" ] = "Afficher le gear-score et les runes de la cible", [ "OwnBuffs" ] = "Show all buffs casted by avatar", [ "HideGreen" ] = "Masquer les mobs alliés", [ "BigBars" ] = "Barre de sélection large", [ "IconOnBar" ] = "Icône de classe sur la barre de sélection", [ "GroupDistance" ] = "Vérification de la distance des membres du groupe", [ "DisableBuffs" ] = "DISABLE work with buffs", [ "OptionsSaved" ] = "Options sauvegardées", [ "EnemiesSolo" ] = "PvP", [ "EnemiesRaid" ] = "PvP Raid", [ "PartyRaid" ] = "Heal", [ "Mobs" ] = "PvE", [ "Refreshed" ] = "Rafraichissement des cibles", [ "Cleared" ] = "Mise à jour des gearscores", [ "ss" ] = "s", [ "mm" ] = "m", [ "hh" ] = "h", } }) French trad for Buffannonce (incomplete) In config.txt: ["Tranquil Arrow"] = true, -- Tranquil Arrow (Stalker) It's this? (in french Flèche tranquilisante) Or this? ( Pétrifié ) In Mobs mob, there are "Sweetie" but the skill don't work on mob, I think
  9. I have added this too, but probably you will never see "Chrysolite Astrale" and "Topaze Astrale" announcements. That is due to server (or client?) always sending "Azurite Astrale" name in notification event used for all astral stones. So, it is not possible now to identify type of detected astral stone only by using API. Yes, not works sorry -- Announce messages: [ "WarningCrystal01" ] = "Joyau Astral", [ "WarningCrystal02" ] = "Joyau Astral", [ "WarningCrystal03" ] = "Joyau Astral", },
  10. [ "fra" ] = { -- French, Win-1252 [ "Boss" ] = "Boss", [ "Treasure" ] = "Trésor", [ "Milestone" ] = "Borne", --[ "Mail" ] = "Courrier", --[ "Mug" ] = "Repos", --[ "Teleport" ] = "Portail", --[ "Transport" ] = "Navire", [ "Crystal01" ] = "Azurite Astrale", [ "Crystal02" ] = "Chrysolite Astrale", [ "Crystal03" ] = "Topaze Astrale", [ "TimeServant" ] = "Serviteur du Temps", [ "Time01" ] = "Yasskul Nasakhma", [ "Time02" ] = "Monique de Pluie", [ "Time03" ] = "Sarang Ma", [ "Arena" ] = "Arène", [ "Portal" ] = "Embarcadère", [ "TkaRik" ] = "Grotte de Tka-Rik", [ "Teleporter" ] = "Téléporteur", [ "Soliskar" ] = "Soliskar", -- Ship portals: [ "Parking 1" ] = "Parking No. 1", [ "Parking 2" ] = "Parking No. 2", [ "Parking 3" ] = "Parking No. 3", [ "Parking 4" ] = "Parking No. 4", [ "Parking 5" ] = "Parking No. 5", [ "To Avilon" ] = "Vers Avilon", [ "To Holy Land" ] = "Vers Asee-Teph", [ "To Astral Atoll" ] = "Vers l'Atoll Astral", [ "To Wild Isles" ] = "Vers les Allods Sauvage", [ "To Lookout Isle" ] = "Vers l'Allod du Guet", [ "To Nezebgrad" ] = "Vers Nezebgrad, Steppe Severny", [ "To Novograd" ] = "Vers Novograd, Bois de Lumiére", [ "To Isle of Dead" ] = "Vers l'Allod des Défunts(Genoer)", [ "To Coldberg" ] = "Vers Mont-Froid", [ "To Dragon Ring" ] = "Vers l'Anneau du Dragon", [ "To Eljune" ] = "Vers Eljune", [ "To Coba Plateau" ] = "Vers le Plateau de Coba", -- Bosses: ---- League: [ "Majestic Stag" ] = "Cerf majestueux (9)", [ "Cave Troll" ] = "Troll ordinaire (9)", [ "Queen Bee" ] = "Reine des abeilles (10)", [ "Grizzleclaw" ] = "Vieil ours (12)", [ "Scarscale" ] = "Arssssenik (14)", [ "Narlok" ] = "Narlok (14)", [ "Iceheart" ] = "Patin' Agläs (16)", [ "Witherskull" ] = "Sek'os (17)", [ "Shabra Frostslobber" ] = "Shabra (17)", [ "Vitroli" ] = "Vitroli (19)", [ "Medeven" ] = "Medveden (20)", [ "Luteus" ] = "Luteus (21)", [ "Alexdrova" ] = "Alexdrova (22)", [ "Mahng" ] = "Mahng (22)", [ "Terrorwing" ] = "Gargouille impitoyable (24)", ---- Empire: [ "Sinyavsky" ] = "Stepan Le Serpent (7)", [ "Kreenik" ] = "Kreenik (9)", [ "Nestor Makhov" ] = "Nestor Makhov (11)", [ "Sparkilon" ] = "Sparkilon (13)", [ "Silverhoof" ] = "Sabot d'argent (12)", [ "Megaera" ] = "Ancienne sorcière (16)", [ "Roil" ] = "Briz (14)", [ "Shadowsteel" ] = "Ombracier (16)", [ "Al'aqran" ] = "Al'aqran (18)", [ "Shatoba" ] = "Shaloba (19)", [ "Groundshaker" ] = "Badass (20)", [ "Incineratus" ] = "Incineratus (21)", [ "Druck" ] = "Druck (20)", [ "Thunderhorn" ] = "Corne-tonnerre (22)", [ "Gugor Rotstorm" ] = "Gugor (23)", ---- Contested: [ "Sybaris" ] = "Epine (25)", [ "Pulseratus" ] = "Perturbation (26)", [ "Nahg" ] = "Nahg (27)", [ "Sher-Khan" ] = "Sher-Khan (28)", [ "Grusha the Fleet" ] = "Grusha le Vif (29)", [ "Kih'go" ] = "Kih'go (30)", [ "Vos the Inflamed" ] = "Vos (31)", [ "Darkhorn" ] = "La maudite (32)", [ "Rotfist" ] = "Falanj (34)", [ "Grimgrin" ] = "Rik'Tus (35)", [ "Trisa the Bloodthirsty" ] = "Trisa Ek'Arlät (35)", [ "Natalia Nogteva" ] = "Natalia Nogteva (35)", [ "Zukan the Desecrator" ] = "Zukan (36)", [ "Jurnad Dirtfoot" ] = "Jurnad Dirtfoot (36)", [ "Kurthoz the Chaotic" ] = "Kurthoz le chaotique (36)", [ "Typhoon" ] = "Shur'lon (36)", [ "Porgun" ] = "Gardetriäj (38)", [ "Soulpiercer" ] = "Perceur d'âme (38)", [ "Skalir the Zealous" ] = "Skalir (38)", [ "Kotraz the Deceiver" ] = "Kotraz (38)", [ "Banath the Vile" ] = "Banath (38)", [ "Dahinda" ] = "Dahinda (40)", [ "Bozak the Bloodthirsty" ] = "Draklor Ek'Arlät (40)", [ "Shorg the Fierce" ] = "Shorg Füribarr (40)", [ "Sihal the Blighted" ] = "Sihal le Nécrosé (41)", [ "Necrorage" ] = "Toucher insidieux (42)", [ "Whipper" ] = "Flagelleur (43)", ---- Gorluxor's Tower: [ "Armando de Doucer" ] = "<br>Armand de Douceur</br><br>Ancien réfectoire</br>", [ "Strina the Fierce" ] = "<br>Strina Füribarr</br><br>Cimetière maudit</br>", [ "War'kaz the Mindreaver" ] = "<br>War'kaz</br><br>Casernes délabrées</br>", [ "Zalmar the Twisted" ] = "<br>Zalmar</br><br>Entrepôt désaffecté</br>", [ "Nogrom" ] = "<br>Nogrom</br><br>Cour fortifiée</br>", ---- Pet Realm: [ "Fangourne" ] = "Fangourne (40)", [ "Mudril" ] = "Mudril (30)", [ "Shersto" ] = "Shersto (30)", Trad Fra ressources.lua
  11. fra = { -- French, Win-1252 -- Buttons text: [ "Cancel changed" ] = "Annuler", [ "Reset to default" ] = "Restaurer par défaut", [ "Save" ] = "Enregistrer", [ "Close" ] = "Fermer", -- Settings text: [ "AddonEnabled" ] = "Addon activé", [ "AnnounceCrowns" ] = "Annonce des Couronnés", [ "AnnounceCrystals" ] = "Annonce des Joyaux Astraux", [ "AnnounceTravellers" ] = "Annonce des Voyageurs du Temps", [ "AttachMarkCrowns" ] = "Raccourci pour cibler les Couronnés", [ "AttachMarkTravellers" ] = "Raccourci pour cibler les Voyageurs du Temps", [ "MarkCrystal01" ] = "Afficher les Azurites Astrales", [ "MarkCrystal02" ] = "Afficher les Chrysolites Astrales", [ "MarkCrystal03" ] = "Afficher les Topazes Astrales", [ "MarkTreasure" ] = "Afficher les Trésors", [ "MarkMilestone" ] = "Afficher les Bornes", [ "MarkArena" ] = "Afficher les Arènes", [ "MarkBoss" ] = "Afficher les boss (élite rouge)", [ "MarkTime01" ] = "Afficher 1er Voyageur du Temps", [ "MarkTime02" ] = "Afficher 2eme Voyageur du Temps", [ "MarkTime03" ] = "Afficher le pnj Perdu dans le temps", [ "MarkTimeServant" ] = "Afficher Serviteurs du Temps sur Kirah", [ "MarkPortal" ] = "Afficher les embarcadères", [ "MarkSoliskar" ] = "Afficher Soliskar (Anneau du dragon)", [ "MarkTeleporter" ] = "Afficher les téléporteurs du ZIT", [ "MarkTkaRik" ] = "Afficher l'entrée de Tka-Rik", [ "ShowOnMap" ] = "Afficher sur la Carte du Monde", [ "ShowOnMinimapCircle" ] = "Afficher sur la Mini-carte circulaire", [ "ShowOnMinimapSquare" ] = "Afficher sur la Mini-carte rectangulaire", [ "ShowTooltips" ] = "Show tooltips", -- Announce messages: [ "WarningCrystal01" ] = "Azurite Astrale", [ "WarningCrystal02" ] = "Chrysolite Astrale", [ "WarningCrystal03" ] = "Topaze Astrale", }, Fra localisation update (Locales.lua).
  12. Toujours la meme ligne de defense, ouai vous pouvez pas jouer plusieurs perso. blablabla Pourquoi ne pourrai t'on pas jouer toute les classes en mode anonyme ou non. C'est pas a des ptits branleurs de devellopeurs de dicté comment on doit jouer nos perso, on paye déja vos addons et derriere vous voulez imposser vos conditions de jeux a vos clients? Respect du client aucun, surtout comme celui qui fait si vous êtes pas content vous devellopé vos addons vous même. Trop bien le respect du type =) Faut juste arreter de prendre les gens pour des cons vous êtes juste des ESCROCS !!! Bref la communauté de devellopeurs a bien changer depuis les debuts d'allods, l'appat du gain est trop fort. Continuer sur cette voie =)
  13. Like I have all the reincarnations that I play regularly, I like to be anonymous and play with addons that I pay and I do not even be able to more: x I'm a little disappointed to see the limitation to 3 character arrived. I regret the time of the former ui9.ru or addons addon website was free and accesible to the greatest number. Personally, I think I'll not renewed addons I use, I'll manage with the few remaining free on this site at least I would not be limited by the new conditions of use addons. ( google trad :X )
  14. Hi, update for the french localisation: -- French (Français) [ win-1252 ] [ "fra" ] = { [ "Icy Grave" ] = "Tombeau de glace", [ "Mental Link" ] = "Hypnose", [ "Debilitating Plague" ] = "Faiblesse", [ "Lullaby ???" ] = "Somnolent", [ "Lethargy Potion" ] = "Potion de léthargie", [ "Tranquil Arrow ???" ] = "Pétrifié", },
  15. I have this error in my mod.txt ( FRA) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Error while running the chunk Error: addon BuffAnnounce: BuffAnnounce.lua:1490: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `Y' (a nil value) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ChangeTarget, global, line: 1490, defined: Lua, line: 1454, BuffAnnounce.lua Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Error while running the chunk Error: addon BuffAnnounce: BuffAnnounce.lua:1490: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `Y' (a nil value) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ChangeTarget, global, line: 1490, defined: Lua, line: 1454, BuffAnnounce.lua Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Error while running the chunk Error: addon BuffAnnounce: BuffAnnounce.lua:1490: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `Y' (a nil value) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ChangeTarget, global, line: 1490, defined: Lua, line: 1454, BuffAnnounce.lua Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Error while running the chunk Error: addon BuffAnnounce: BuffAnnounce.lua:1490: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `Y' (a nil value) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ChangeTarget, global, line: 1490, defined: Lua, line: 1454, BuffAnnounce.lua Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Error while running the chunk Error: addon BuffAnnounce: BuffAnnounce.lua:1490: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `Y' (a nil value) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ChangeTarget, global, line: 1490, defined: Lua, line: 1454, BuffAnnounce.lua Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Error while running the chunk Error: addon BuffAnnounce: BuffAnnounce.lua:1490: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `Y' (a nil value) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ChangeTarget, global, line: 1490, defined: Lua, line: 1454, BuffAnnounce.lua Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Error while running the chunk Error: addon BuffAnnounce: BuffAnnounce.lua:1490: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `Y' (a nil value) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ChangeTarget, global, line: 1490, defined: Lua, line: 1454, BuffAnnounce.lua Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Error while running the chunk Error: addon BuffAnnounce: BuffAnnounce.lua:1490: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `Y' (a nil value) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ChangeTarget, global, line: 1490, defined: Lua, line: 1454, BuffAnnounce.lua Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Error while running the chunk Error: addon BuffAnnounce: BuffAnnounce.lua:1490: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `Y' (a nil value) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ChangeTarget, global, line: 1490, defined: Lua, line: 1454, BuffAnnounce.lua Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Error while running the chunk Error: addon BuffAnnounce: BuffAnnounce.lua:1490: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `Y' (a nil value) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ChangeTarget, global, line: 1490, defined: Lua, line: 1454, BuffAnnounce.lua Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Error while running the chunk Error: addon BuffAnnounce: BuffAnnounce.lua:1490: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `Y' (a nil value) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ChangeTarget, global, line: 1490, defined: Lua, line: 1454, BuffAnnounce.lua Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Error while running the chunk Error: addon BuffAnnounce: BuffAnnounce.lua:1490: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `Y' (a nil value) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ChangeTarget, global, line: 1490, defined: Lua, line: 1454, BuffAnnounce.lua Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Error while running the chunk Error: addon BuffAnnounce: BuffAnnounce.lua:1490: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `Y' (a nil value) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon BuffAnnounce: func: ChangeTarget, global, line: 1490, defined: Lua, line: 1454, BuffAnnounce.lua Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *) Error: addon BuffAnnounce: Game::LuaObjectGetPos: Object not found: 989787, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaObjectGetPos(struct lua_State *)
  16. Hi, i have this error in mod.txt Error: addon AddPanel: UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'fra' for addon 'AddPanel', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *)
  17. the problem is related to this? Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Cap vert - IllusionWorld06 - show pos: true - unknown: false
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