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Весь контент lysonia

  1. Hi, automove don't work in french game Error: addon Crystals: UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'DeathRealm' for addon: Crystals, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) Warning: addon Crystals: AoMapResources.InstanceMaps[ "DeathRealm" ][ "Default" ].Texture.name is not registered in UIRelatedTextures! Info: addon Crystals: AoMapResources loaded with 1 warnings. Info: addon Crystals: loading settings from avatar config Info: addon Crystals: Started enabled Info: addon Crystals: Localization detected: fra Info: addon Crystals: avatar created Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Archipels kanians - Frontière Gelée - ArchipelagoLeague2 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Archipels kanians - Ténébra - ArchipelagoLeague3 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Archipels kanians - Allod de l'éternelle rencontre - ArchipelagoLeague1 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: L'Empire - Tour de Yasker - HadaganTower - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: L'Empire - District militaire Igsh - ZoneEmpire2_South - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: L'Empire - Steppe de Severny - ZoneEmpire2_North - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: L'Empire - Mer morte - ZoneEmpire3 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: L'Empire - Nezebgrad - ZoneEmpire1 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Archipels xadaganiens - Allods sauvages - ArchipelagoEmpire2 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Archipels xadaganiens - Fabrique de rêves - ArchipelagoEmpire4 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Archipels xadaganiens - Station thermale "Nuage numéro neuf" - Sanatorium - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Archipels xadaganiens - Quartier Général ZIT - ArchipelagoEmpire1 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Terre Sacrée - Eljune - ZoneContested2 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Terre Sacrée - Plateau de Coba - ZoneContested3 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Terre Sacrée - Kirah - ZoneContested4 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Terre Sacrée - Allod de l'Age de glace - ZoneContested5 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Terre Sacrée - Asee-Teph - ZoneContested1 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Archipels de la Terre sacrée - Avilon - ArchipelagoContested2 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Archipels de la Terre sacrée - Anneau du dragon - ArchipelagoContested3 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Archipels de la Terre sacrée - Éclat de Yazès - ArchipelagoContested4 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Archipels de la Terre sacrée - Royaume des éléments - ElementalPlateu - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Archipels de la Terre sacrée - Cratère - ElementalPlateuVulcano - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Archipels de la Terre sacrée - Mont-Froid - ArchipelagoContested1 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Gipat - Grottes de Gipat - GipatCave - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Gipat - Catacombes junes - Maze - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Gipat - Gipat - ArchipelagoGipat1 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Terres brumeuses - Allod du crépuscule - ArchipelagoContested6 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Terres brumeuses - Frontière - ArchipelagoContested7 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Terres brumeuses - Allod errant - ArchipelagoContested8 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Terres brumeuses - Berceau - ArchipelagoContested9 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Terres brumeuses - Pic gelé - ArchipelagoContested9_Tep_Island - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Terres brumeuses - Allod de la Révélation - ArchipelagoContested5 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: La Nécropole - Quartier des démons - Inst_DeadCity_DemonsWing - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: La Nécropole - Ville Haute - Inst_DeadCity_DraconidsWing - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: La Nécropole - Ville Basse - Inst_DeadCity_MindflayersWing - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: La Nécropole - Cour centrale - Inst_DeadCity_CentralHall - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Serre de géant - IllusionWorld0910 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Allod de l'eau chantante - IllusionWorld11 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Baie des murmures - IllusionWorld00 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Anneau perlé du sud-est - IllusionWorld0102 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Allod de Kahlua - IllusionWorld03 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Anneau perlé du sud-ouest - IllusionWorld0405 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Cap vert - IllusionWorld06 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Allod du blaireau - IllusionWorld07 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Atoll azuré - IllusionWorld08 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Collines venteuses - ZoneContested7 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Montagne de cristal - ZoneContested8 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Irdrich - ZoneContested9RW - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Irdrich - Anneau perlé - IllusionWorld - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Pyramide de Tep - Pyramide de Tep - Inst_TepPyramid - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Kania - Bois de Lumière - ZoneLeague1 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Kania - Sivéria - ZoneLeague2 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Kania - Eaux sombres - ZoneLeague3 - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: adding zone: Kania - Novograd - ZoneLeague1_Capital - show pos: true - unknown: false Info: addon Crystals: setting up UI, not existed Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: AddonEnabled - Addon activé Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: MarkBoss - Afficher les boss (élite rouge) Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: MarkCrystal01 - Afficher les Azurite Astrale Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: MarkCrystal02 - Afficher les Chrysolite Astrale Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: MarkCrystal03 - Afficher les Topaze Astrale Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: MarkMilestone - Afficher les bornes Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: MarkPortal - Afficher les embarcadères Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: MarkTeleporter - Afficher les MANANAZEM téléporteur pours Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: MarkTime01 - Afficher premier voyageur du temps Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: MarkTime02 - Afficher second voyageur du temps Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: MarkTime03 - Afficher le pnj Perdu dans le temps Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: MarkTkaRika - Afficher l'entrée de Tka-Rik Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: MarkTreasure - Afficher les trésors Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: ShowOnMap - Afficher sur la Carte du Monde Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: ShowOnMinimapCircle - Afficher sur la Mini-carte circulaire Info: addon Crystals: creating checkbox: ShowOnMinimapSquare - Afficher sur la Mini-carte rectangulaire For the localisation: fra = { -- French, Win-1252 -- Buttons text: [ "Cancel changed" ] = "Annuler", [ "Reset to default" ] = "Restaurer par défaut", [ "Save" ] = "Enregistrer", [ "Close" ] = "Fermer", -- Settings text: [ "AddonEnabled" ] = "Addon activé", [ "MarkCrystal01" ] = "Afficher les Azurites Astrales", [ "MarkCrystal02" ] = "Afficher les Chrysolites Astrales", [ "MarkCrystal03" ] = "Afficher les Topazes Astrales", [ "MarkTreasure" ] = "Afficher les trésors", [ "MarkMilestone" ] = "Afficher les bornes", [ "MarkBoss" ] = "Afficher les boss (élite rouge)", [ "MarkTime01" ] = "Afficher premier voyageur du temps", [ "MarkTime02" ] = "Afficher second voyageur du temps", [ "MarkTime03" ] = "Afficher le pnj Perdu dans le temps", [ "MarkPortal" ] = "Afficher les embarcadères", [ "MarkTkaRika" ] = "Afficher l'entrée de Tka-Rik", [ "MarkTeleporter" ] = "Afficher les téléporteur du ZIT", [ "ShowOnMap" ] = "Afficher sur la Carte du Monde", [ "ShowOnMinimapCircle" ] = "Afficher sur la Mini-carte circulaire", [ "ShowOnMinimapSquare" ] = "Afficher sur la Mini-carte rectangulaire",
  2. In french game it's: Green crystal = Azurite Astrale Blue crystal = Chrysolite Astrale Purple crystal = Topaze Astrale
  3. Hi, Good addon =) For no-ru player localisation for cooldown => h for hours, m for minute, s for second
  4. Hi, For the French localisation: fra = { -- French, Win-1252 -- Buttons text: [ "Cancel changed" ] = "Annuler", [ "Reset to default" ] = "Restaurer par défaut", [ "Save" ] = "Enregistrer", [ "Close" ] = "Fermer", -- Settings text: [ "AddonEnabled" ] = "Addon activé", [ "MarkCrystal01" ] = "Afficher les cristaux verts", [ "MarkCrystal02" ] = "Afficher les cristaux bleus", [ "MarkCrystal03" ] = "Afficher les cristaux violets", [ "MarkTreasure" ] = "Afficher les trésors", [ "MarkMilestone" ] = "Afficher les bornes", [ "MarkBoss" ] = "Afficher les boss (élite rouge)", [ "MarkTime01" ] = "Afficher premier voyageur du temps", [ "MarkTime02" ] = "Afficher second voyageur du temps", [ "MarkTime03" ] = "Afficher le pnj Perdu dans le temps", [ "MarkPortal" ] = "Afficher les embarcadères", [ "MarkTkaRika" ] = "Afficher l'entrée de Tka-Rik", [ "ShowOnMap" ] = "Afficher sur la Carte du Monde", [ "ShowOnMinimapCircle" ] = "Afficher sur la Mini-carte circulaire", [ "ShowOnMinimapSquare" ] = "Afficher sur la Mini-carte rectangulaire",
  5. Hi replace [ "eng" ] = { by [ "fra" ] = { in config file and the addon works.
  6. Hi, You are possibility to add the multilingual support?
  7. You have possibility to add support of teleport stone?
  8. The fake version delete stuff / item shop and rune... There is already an addon before that did the same thing (fake version of geminfo), the team of developers as prepare a patch for this exploit :x
  9. Ok is not this addon, it's a fake copy of this :x
  10. http://guilds.en.allods.gpotato.eu/forum/topics/astralbase-malicious-addon-notification
  11. lysonia


    It's possible to add a localisation file for French version please?
  12. The fonction UseItem add with the version 4.0.02, it's not possible fix for 4.0.00
  13. Don't work demo bard :/ I just be a track on the problem, all that control is not displayed in the French version of the game in the fight tab. This probably comes from the bug
  14. I try on my wizard and scout, and the debuff it's the same of traduction, nothing appears on the screen :/ I try with Demo and Bard today
  15. The localization Fra , it's good but the addon don't work... (4.0.0). No error message in mod.txt .
  16. Hi, I think the french localisation it's: -- French (Français) [ win-1252 ] [ "fra" ] = { [ "Icy Grave" ] = "Tombeau de glace", [ "Mental Link" ] = "Lien Mental", [ "Debilitating Plague" ] = "Faiblesse", [ "Lullaby ???" ] = "Berceuse", [ "Lethargy Potion" ] = "Potion de lethargie", [ "Tranquil Arrow ???" ] = "Flèche tranquillisante", }, But I don't test because server maintenance
  17. lysonia


    Or activate only on the boat (as shipcontrol)
  18. lysonia


    Hello, good idea ^^ French localisation: ["fra"] = { ["R"] = {"R","r"}, ["G"] = {"V","v"}, ["B"] = {"B","b"}, ["I"] = {" "} Thanks for this addon
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