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Весь контент lysonia

  1. Hi, for french localisation ["fra"] = { ["player"] = "Joueur", ["class"] = "Classe", ["guild"] = "Guilde", ["score"] = "Score", ["score/week"] = "Score/Semaine", ["player_filter"] = "Filtrer par Joueur", ["find_guild"] = "Chercher la Guilde", ["min_score"] = "Min Score", ["page"] = "Page", ["fairy"] = "Martyr", ["runes"] = "Runes", ["gear_score"] = "Gear Score", ["WARRIOR"] = "Guerrier", ["PALADIN"] = "Paladin", ["STALKER"] = "Éclaireur", ["BARD"] = "Barde", ["PRIEST"] = "Guérisseur", ["DRUID"] = "Druide", ["PSIONIC"] = "Psionique", ["MAGE"] = "Mage", ["NECROMANCER"] = "Invocateur", ["ENGINEER"] = "Ingénieur", ["UNKNOWN"] = "Inconnu", },
  2. Hi, I update the french localisation local AC = {["eng_eu"] = "Arena of Death ", ["rus"] = "Арена смерти ", ["fra"] = "Chaudron des Immortels ", ["ger"] = "Arena des Todes ", ["tr"] = "Olum Arena "} local AB = {["eng_eu"] = "Scarlet Bastion ", ["rus"] = "Алый бастион ", ["fra"] = "Bastion Écarlate ", ["ger"] = "Scarlet Bastion ", ["tr"] = "Scarlet Bastion "}
  3. lysonia


    Hi, for french localisation: --[[ 'type_players' 'type_monsters' 'type_pets' 'condition_friend' 'condition_enemy' 'condition_neutral' ]] Global( 'CFG', { [1] = { modes = { [1] = { title = 'PvP - Alliés', type = 'type_players', condition = 'condition_friend', amount = 12, critical_health = 29, classColor = false, sizeX = 120, sizeY = 30, priorities = { health = 1, level = 1000, target = 1000000, tagged = 10000000, dead = -1000000000000, quality = 100000000 } }, [2] = { title = 'PvP - Ennemis', type = 'type_players', condition = 'condition_enemy', amount = 12, critical_health = 29, classColor = false, sizeX = 120, sizeY = 30, priorities = { health = 1, level = 1000, target = 1000000, tagged = 10000000, dead = -1000000000000, quality = 100000000 } }, [3] = { title = 'Mobs - Alliés', type = 'type_monsters', condition = 'condition_friend', amount = 12, critical_health = 29, sizeX = 120, sizeY = 30, priorities = { health = 1, level = 1000, target = 1000000, tagged = 10000000, dead = -1000000000000, quality = 100000000 } }, [4] = { title = 'Mobs - Ennemis', type = 'type_monsters', condition = 'condition_enemy', amount = 12, critical_health = -1, sizeX = 120, sizeY = 30, priorities = { health = 1, level = 1000, target = 1000000, tagged = 10000000, dead = -1000000000000, quality = 100000000 } }, [5] = { title = 'Pets - Alliés', type = 'type_pets', condition = 'condition_friend', amount = 12, critical_health = -1, sizeX = 120, sizeY = 30, priorities = { health = 1, level = 1000, target = 1000000, tagged = 10000000, dead = -1000000000000, quality = 100000000 } }, [6] = { title = 'Pets - Ennemis', type = 'type_pets', condition = 'condition_enemy', amount = 12, critical_health = -1, sizeX = 120, sizeY = 30, priorities = { health = 1, level = 1000, target = 1000000, tagged = 10000000, dead = -1000000000000, quality = 100000000 } } } } } )
  4. If you want we can talk about money, its not bother me. I do not find it normal to pay a base for an addon that gives an advantage , I did it for almost two years for various addons . The cashop is much more expensive in europe / usa as in Russia. Also, if I'm not mistaken some creative regularly receive good reward for their currencies addon from Mail.ru. Personally I have principles , I will pay anything behind but I want a minimum currently not the case . Many European user can not find some addon or make them work for nothing is displayed in a language you know . And it's not google trad makes understanding things . Some can not even buy it because they do not want to use their credit card on a Russian site. They find that damage paypal is not available to pay . What annoys me the most is to have was briefed by the mail I received for renewal. Because new I rarely read because I do not read Russian.
  5. I pay more when the website / addon / addon's description / news display in my language. Thank you to everyone who offers to the community allods free addons. A old pay addon user.
  6. Hello, in a few weeks the European server switch to version 6.0, I would like to know if a FRA / ENG / DE localization is planned for this addon? It's not urgent we still no date but I prefer predict in advance because it looks very useful ^^
  7. lysonia


    Hi, what form used to create the French localization in Locales.txt?
  8. Hi, yes it's save ANSI format :/ http://fr.allodswiki.ru/quest/1647951330 http://www.allodswiki.ru/quest/1647951330 There are space before ! , the problem can come from?
  9. Hi, i have a problem some quest in the French version contains punctuation ! , . : and this seems to be the problem for auto accept quests. There are a solution?
  10. Hi, in 5.0.02 with the last version, I have this error: Error: addon ZannGrid: Error while running the chunk Error: addon ZannGrid: [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"]:233: attempt to call field 'IsEnemy' (a nil value) Error: addon ZannGrid: func: IsEnemy, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] Error: addon ZannGrid: func: UpdatePlayerInfo, global, line: 233, defined: Lua, line: 210, [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"] Error: addon ZannGrid: func: PlacePlayer, global, line: 468, defined: Lua, line: 450, [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"] Error: addon ZannGrid: func: FillGrid, global, line: 500, defined: Lua, line: 491, [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"] Error: addon ZannGrid: func: RecreateGrid, global, line: 557, defined: Lua, line: 522, [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"] Error: addon ZannGrid: func: ShowRaidFrames, global, line: 1111, defined: Lua, line: 1102, [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"] Error: addon ZannGrid: func: ?, ?, line: 1118, defined: Lua, line: 1116, [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"]
  11. Hi, French localization for Engineer control: ["Paralyzing Beam" ] = "Rayon paralysant",
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