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RessCounter 1.0.1

2 изображения

Информация о файле

The RessCounter!
As the name implies, it keeps track of the amount of times you ress people in a raid!

Funny story how it came to be!

Are you also tired of ressing everyone after every wipe during Nihaz raids or Obs raids?
Fear no longer!
I started a minigame with my guild >:D
ach ress I do, and therefor the addon tracks, people pay 1k gold to our guild bank.
That way we generate some guild gold for the Heraldry (or whatever else u want) in a fun way, rather than the dull tax collection system.

RessCounterList - lists the amount of times you have ressed player XYZ.

RessCounterReset - resets the data (starting a new raid or whatever)

It does not count during combat.


Go and hunt your dead members! 😄

Locales: Not all translations for the Gift of Tensess were added.
Feel free to add them in the locales file and notify me so I can update it with more languages included ❤️

Изменено пользователем Dragagon

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Added localization with google translate

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